If you have any problems while watching a live webcast here are a few quick troubleshooting tips you can try:
1. Refresh your browser (this is especially helpful if you opened the link prior to the broadcast starting)
2. Try another browser (e.g. check whether the webinar is working in Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, etc.)
a. Please note that live streaming won't work if you are using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer. Please try another browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox).
3. Try another device (e.g. can you view the webinar on your mobile, tablet, laptop, computer, etc. This can also help if it's an Internet speed issue and the second device is connected to a different network)
4. Clear your cache
Also make sure that you've checked out our viewing requirements at https://www.gigtv.com.au/viewingrequirements.
If the issue is related to sound then you may need to adjust your speakers or the volume on your computer / device, or the volume bar on the webcast player window may need to be turned up. For more information on sound issues check out our article Help, I can't hear anything! Troubleshooting for Sound Issues.
Don't forget you can log a support job with us at any time by going to https://support.jplmedia.com.au/support/tickets/new or emailing us at [email protected].